Monday, August 27, 2012


Today I made this battle hammer. Here you can see the model with normal map:
I'm going to make diffuse and specular map. I was based on this concept: I hope you enjoy it!



Sunday, August 26, 2012


I want to show you my last assets to Mount&Blade: Warband mod called The Deluge. There are two chairs and table which will be added to castle's interiors.

Check it on


Saturday, August 18, 2012


Some time ago I started to model a character in heavy armor,,Crisis'' TAU XV8, from the world of Warhammer 40k, mainly to improve my skills and put something to the gallery :D It is the high poly version of model. Currently I working on a low-poly. I plan to do some scenes and animations with it.
I hope you will enjoy it:

On the right side, I added link to my account with 3D models in

Check it: